Toddler Program (12 - 24 months)
Our Toddler Program is available to students who are 12-24 months. We offer five mornings per week (Monday - Friday) from 9am - 11:45am. There is a qualified Lead Teacher and Assistant Teacher in the classroom with a maximum of 8 students.
As children enter into this program, they transition into an organized yet flexible routine. They experience enough structure to feel secure, yet they have plenty of freedom to pursue their interests. Each day, we present a range of opportunities for organized, self-directed play as well as teacher-directed activities.
Sensory play supports a child’s cognitive growth, enhancing their thought process, understanding, and reasoning. It is a valuable way of engaging children in activities that heighten their senses. We use art materials, manipulatives, and sensory tables to support their learning. Within the Creative Curriculum we study themes such as All About Me, Colors, Shapes, Vehicles/Transportation and Farm Animals.